No transport service provider will be able to avoid this new regulation, and there is a long way to go before climate-friendly lorries with electric drives or hydrogen are used reliably across the board. However, there are already solutions that help to optimise planning, scheduling and transport operations.

In this special issue, we’re taking a deep dive into the dynamics of the energy transition. Each facet is its own microcosm, and while not all interests overlap, there is one common goal: a green future.

With volatile demand and prices, dwindling reserves and rising costs, (downstream) energy companies are eager to gain operational insights and optimize their supply chain. To complicate matters, regulations are getting more stringent.

Dairy companies face many challenges. On the one hand, supplier relationships are under constant pressure as the price of raw materials is heavily influenced by international guidelines and regulations.

Many companies in the beverage industry are currently scrutinising existing business relationships due to strong economic fluctuations and the predicted recession. In order to plan better, close and trusting co-operation between all partners along the supply chain is necessary.